Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oh, Oscars! How you've wronged me!

For those of you in the know - there is a massive error in the following post. My journalistic integrity is shot to he-l-l. I went to bed before the big surprise at the end of the Oscars. My actual score - 17/24 - which sucked. Anyway - enjoy the post as it originally was when I jumped the gun due to arrogance.

Well....we tied! Now both Cate and I have to make a move on our possible true loves. What rotten hand we have been dealt by fate!!

I didn't make a good showing this year - I only got 18/24 categories correct. I guess that's above average for most professionals - but we all know that I don't like to be average.

The categories what done me bad? Cinematography, documentary short subject, foreign language film, original song (my curse!), animated short, live action short, and sound mixing.

My favorite moment was Reese's acceptance speech. According to tickle, Reese is my inner celebrity. *sigh* I feel better about myself every time I remember that.

Best quote: "I'm just trying to matter." -- June Carter


Katie said...

Ooooh, blog skin change. Very nice, very nice. And I'm satisfied with the tie. It's wonderful that we get to hear more on Canoodle and further Idaho wedding plans.

Anonymous said...

18/24... pretty good!! :)

wendela said...

Like the new colors- feeling lighter and happier after getting so many Oscars guesses right? You did great- and sorry the Best Foreign Language film Gloradise Now (subtitled from its original French by Dem) didn't get the Academy's nod this year.

Lia said...

The tie seems like it's for the best. I'm waiting to hear the wedding bells.

Sarah Cate said...

Not to cast further aspersions on your journalistic integrity, but - I thought we tied at 16/24.

jazz said...

frankly, i liked crash much better than brokeback. so i wasn't all that disappointed...

Unknown said...

Hey Glo! Since you're the only one to care enough to wish me a swift return, you will be the first one to know that I have returned from the District of Columbia and that there is a post brewing* about the trip. Soon thereafter, there will be a return to the news so that your journalistic awareness can come back to its old self.

And just to brag, I got ALLLLLLLL of the categories correct on the Oscars even though I was forced to watch ESPN by my room-mates (which probably wasn't too bad since I wouldn't have watched the Oscars anyway).

*If I can get my homework finished that is.

Unknown said...

Jazz, that's an interresting pic. I haven't noticed that before. Is that you? :D :@ :P

I like emoticons