Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Craig's List Retraction

The post on Craig's List was born out of massive misbehavior on my part. I had left work early due to an exceedingly high fever. I went home, crawled into bed, and listened to the phone ring 17 times. Various friends and coworkers called all afternoon. I would take a call on the cell, listen as another rang through and the home phone would sound. I got not one minute of desperately needed sleep.

By the time Roomie came home, I was thoroughly angered at the whole world for no good reason. I was just tired, sick, and feeling selfish. The letter was created and Roomie posted it just to see what would happen. It wasn't until the fever finally rescinded that I realized what my misbehavior had wrought. It's not like me to be so thoroughly selfish.

For the most part, the post - which did go live - resulted in some hilarious offers of friendship. We had 20 emails and responded to about 10. We're pondering doing a Craig's List dinner just to follow-through on what would have been hilarious if not so cruel and unjust towards our current friends, who are good people and love us in their own way.

We received one scathing email, villifying us justly for thorough egocentricity. At first, we laughed about it, but on second thought - it was the most accurate and necessary criticism I have ever received. And though I joked that the writer needed a hobby, in the end I will be eternally grateful for the following paragraph:

I find your [post] one of the most ridiculously stupid, shallow and selfish, to the extent it's almost physically painful to read it. Your post just screams" WE, WE, WE", the word that you despise when coming out of your friends mouths.

You are right. We were wrong. And friendship does, indeed, mean complete self-sacrifice. How kind are strangers to lead us to the growth our friends dare not suggest.


Lia said...

I never realized just how true it is that you can find anything on the internet. And there I make fun of all these people. Well, not really. I know someone who met his wife on one of those things. So maybe you can find true friendship and insight on Craig's List.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, or someone horrible. *mutter* But then again doomsaying's my favorite hobby. Well, that and spitting contests from the top floor. Don't worry, I don't aim for anybody, although there was this one time when someone walked by at the wrong moment...


wendela said...

You really posted it? You must be brave! I think craigslisters mostly come in two varieties: brutally honest, or terrible BS'ers.

And your phone rang 17 times? Sheesh. You already HAVE enough friends! Maybe go ahead and have a dinner and invite all of 'em, new friends and old. Now, that'll be something to hear about. :)

Kristin said...

Another blog where I am completely clueless...ah well, back to my little corner.

Sith Snoopy said...

I don't know, I don't think you said anything too terrible in your Craigslist post. I think the person who criticed it was being a little harsh.

Oh, and next time you are sick, just change your outgoing voice mail at home to say "I'm trying to sleep, so have turned off the ringer. Leave a message." And then turn off the ringer. You will get that much needed sleep, and your friends will still be able to wish you well and offer assistance.

Oh, and glad you are feeling better. :)