Warning: I'm cleaning up the links this week, so now is the time to care just enough to leave a note.
I've decided to be funny tomorrow. Really. Because everything in my life right now is just too darn hilarious to ignore.
But tonight I decided to read all your blogs. You guys are fabulous. Thanks for entertaining me.
good to see you around, g.
one word Glo : Pancaaaakkkesss.
I'm evil but you love me.
Mmmm, pancaaaakkkesss....
Wait. Tomorrow? You mean like, crest - of - the - wave, moving target tomorrow? Or an actual--
Never mind.
It's like, 7:15am your time, and I haven't seen any funny yet.
Uhm....literal much?! "Tomorrow" encompasses a 24-hour period! Give a girl a break!
And Syar - the pancakes thing was just plain cruel (but i do love ya!)
Uhm...I posted every day last week. Dem apparently thinks I'm nobody.
And he wants to kiss and make up?! Huh. Yeah. That's happening.
Aw, Glo - the pensive stuff is just as interesting as the funny. Sometimes that gives us greater insight into the wonder that is G.Lo.
And there is nothing wrong with using your blog to vent. :)
I welcome the funny. And I miss your comments on my blog. *hint hint* :)
i find that it's terribly hard to be funny when you're working in a boring boring job 60 hours a week. so good on you if you've still got some funny in ya girl!
It's also hard to be funny when.... oh there are a lot of reasons, but I won't go there. And I'm with Omar, it's 8:12 PM your time... and i have homework to avoid and I can stay up late tonight. So come on, make with the happy!
hey lookee dat! You visit people and they come visiting back! What a set-up!!
Dem - that hurts. You know I can't live without you!
Yeah thanks for being my reader...luvs ya bunches :)
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