Know what irks me?
Guys who think you're in love with them just the heck am I supposed to know.
Wanna know how much this happens to me because I'm an effusive, complimentary, kind, and open-hearted person?
You got it. Constantly.
So - here's today's message to the universe: If I'm in love or lust with you, I'll tell you. I promise. I'm that kind of girl. If I haven't said it - then I don't feel it. See how that works?
Okay. Glad that's settled. Now on to find new guy friends with smaller egos. My hell. You guys can't take a compliment, can you?!
I'm done now.
So, if I'm reading this right, what you're saying is that you're in love with me?
Glo overhears part of a Guy Conversation (I know, pretend they happen okay?)
First guy: "I'll never understand females."
Conversation - such as it was - stops as conversants turn to stare at Glo who for some reason has started laughing. Nothing hysterical; it's more like relief. And then she Moves On, leaving the wannabe conversants to their uncomfortable and well-deserved befuddlement.
(I made that up. Could you tell?)
Me too! I have this same problem! And then when I tell them that I want them, they act all confused and say stupid things that don't lead anywhere! ::fumes:: Thank you! I can truly relate!
Ok - you guys totally rock. I'm so glad I logged back on to re-order these posts, worried this one was too inflammatory.
I'm really working on this whole anger management thing - so I hope the post wasn't too inflammatory. I'm really tired of male-related drama right now. Anyway, too much to do about nothing was the theme of this post.
Omar and Dem - to borrow a line from Jazz "Muah!" But it's merely a physical thing, guys. Don't expect me to get over myself just so we can be together.
RaJ - I try not to laugh. Really. But it was unavoidable at this moment. Especially since they had all just told me that they were *so* not into me, which was fortunate since I had no idea who they were or why they were in my bedroom in the first place.
Katie - I got your back. Come to me for commiseration and empathy any time. I *totally* get you.
guys... they can't accept compliment.. or rejections..
confused creatures
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