Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What's It To You?


I slept through the Golden Globes announcement because I was having this weird dream where JK Rowling and I hashed out the plot of the 7th book (cuz she needs my help, apparently) while Cate ranted about Sean Bean not getting an Oscar.


I discovered I had lost my hospital ID and all my keys.

And then.......

Everyone on the hospital shuttle was whining about not winning the transportation raffle. The rules were clear: Must be present to win. They were not present. They did not win. But whine they did. For 15 minutes. (Double bugged because the hospital has no obligation to see us transported from the station to work. One day, they are going to leave our sorry, cold rear ends at the station for being ingrates.)

And then.....

Some guy bolted ahead of me at McDonalds. No one was there and I only wanted a Diet Coke. He would have had to wait all of 2 minutes to be served. Big jerk.

And then.....

I had to get security to let me in my office due to missing keys. When the door opened, my keys were sitting on the desk. Very embarrassing as it meant 1) I had been wandering the hospital without ID at some point yesterday; and 2) security had come all this way for nothing; and 3) I am less than bright.

And then.....

Everyone else got a lovely chocolate gift for the holidays, except me. I got pears. Hm. I don't care what that song says about partridges and pear trees -- I'm a woman in need of chocolatey endorphin goodness. I curse this label "dietitian". Why didn't I become a phlebologist? No one knows what they are. But I bet they get chocolate.

And so....

I. Am. Crabby. What's it to you? 9:00 am and I'm already wanting to go to bed. So, I am going to go and drink more Diet Coke, whine about my frustrating morning, and then go see some kids. Poor kids. They deserve better.


Bill C said...

So the weird dream... just the first part, or was *all* of this in the dream?

I know, I'm supposed to be bright enough to figure it out but what can I say, I spent yesterday in a Prospective Juror queue and the last attorney dumbed-down everyone in the room by at least 30 IQ points.

Kristin said...

Pears? They gave you pears? That's just cruel...like the person who gave me a Starbuck's gift card after I've given up coffee...argh.
Thanks for the smiles!

MEP said...

Aww G.Lo, I'd be mad if I didn't get chocolate too! You SHOULD have been a phlebologist (is that real?)!

glo said...

RaJ - only dream was a dream. Rest actual, honest-to-goodness, grouch-inducing events.

Sam - that was rude. Pears. Who wants pears?

MEP - phlebologist = one who studies blood products

MFM - Pears?! Who wants pears?!

Sarah Cate said...

OMG! The Golden Globe noms!


Sean Bean got robbed! Robbed, I tell ya! But YAY for Frances McDormand!

glo said...

Cate - Did I not call these pretty well? I tell ya. I'm at the heart of Hollywood, baby. And Sean don't play the game, so he'll never get the fame.

Marge - John Rutter made an album?

J Incarnate said...

Glo, I need your help. I seem to be suffering from LCS, (Lessening comment syndrome), I need some way to halt the decrease

cadiz12 said...

no joke jk needs help. especially in the romance writing department. give the sister a hand, glo.

Eric said...

I think you should sue the person that gave you pears.

Bill C said...

Or get some kind of Religious on them, because gift-givers should abstain from all apPEARance of evil. Yeah. The naughty pear, right smack in the middle of All That.

glo said...

Pears?! I still can't get past it.

Thanks for all your support guys. I feel a little better about a really mis'able day.

Nadia said...

Jam, that was a weird comment.

I've never received fruit as a gift. Maybe I'm unknowingly giving off some sort of phlebologist vibe. I tend to be rather awesome that way.

Hope your day only gets MUCH better.

Nadia said...

Ok, I know I've been absent for quite a while, but for even the word verification to mock me about it?

"whoizu" and "suckqudo"?


omar said...

If you were a phlebologist, that would take away from the whole "glorious conundrum" theme (unless you have bad veins).

And the pear present idea? Brilliant for the boy. He loves pears.

glo said...

Nadia! I missed you chica!

Omar - I have a box. Tell him to expect them soon.

Kristin said...

Pear Jelly Belly's are my favorite...yum...and pear lotion smells pretty good.

I even like to eat pears...but I still can't believe someone gave it as a gift.


Hee. I was given chocolate & a Target gift card...I'm willing to share...at least the chocolate.