Thursday, December 08, 2005

In Sadness

I mourn the loss of my pretty template. However, I am not tech-savvy enough to maintain it and it is not the responsibility of my Blog-buddies to fix it constantly.

I chose the black because it's a funeral. For the pretty blog that used to reside here. Lianne made it. I loved it for all that it was. But I could not save it myself once Blogger started biting away at it.

In my novel (see post below) a character near my heart experiences a lot of loss, but even she didn't have to see her pretty blog go away. So, so sad.

Gonna sing Rock of Ages now and think blue things. Then I'll think happy things and post some more about my novella. Which is quite silly, really, when I read it. But I still love it.


omar said...

This is sad indeed. I don't even know what else to say.

(except that my word verification includes the word "sex." teehehehhehehheeee)

jazz said...

oh hooray!

easily readable.

syar was freaking about the blog. i think it was just a blogger down for hte day...

cadiz12 said...

i mourn the old look, too. it was pretty.

Bill C said...

Glonk! Hate when that happens.

Right, so do you wonder how many people are going, Blog content? Bah! I'm only here to see that nice template.

I'm thinking none.

omar said...

Actually RaJ, I do only visit Glo's place for the visuals. You mean I was the only one?

Sarah Cate said...

I mourn with you, Glo. And like everyone here, I long for the day when no blogs would die.

Bill C said...

Wellll... those sketches and stuff were pretty cool, and could probably stand on their own. But still, they fall under Content, not Template. I think.

Kristin said...

My thoughts and sympathies are with you during this difficult time.
And silly novels are the best...I keep picturing Judy in 'Daddy-Long-Legs' when I imagine Glo writing. Hee.

J Incarnate said...

Glo, your template, it's gone. What happened?

Mike Todd said...

I never saw the old template, but this one looks pretty good to me. Black is slimming.

MEP said...

Aww, Glo it's not so bad. At first I freaked out a little, but then I saw your picture and recognized where I was. You still rock!

Anonymous said...

I loved the old template. Don't give up on it!

The Bluths said...

I only came here for the pretty template! What am I to do now?