Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Comment On Non-Commenting

At first, I thought it was only my blog traffic that had tragically disappeared. But reports are coming in from parts wide regarding similar problems. I did some investigating and found a little prose that may illuminate this growing scourge in Blogland.

Once upon a time there was a lovely young woman named Someone. One day, Someone was IMing when she was kidnapped very suddenly and unexpectedly by evil dragons and some guy named Rusty, who did not appreciate it at all when people called him like a dog. Someone was whisked away to a dark land of isolation and work and ....something else. I'm not very good with words.

Her friend looked high and low for her but to no avail. Someone was lost. It was very tragic, so Tolstoy wrote a short story about it. I used to have the manuscript, but it was so sad that I sobbed all over it and snot smeared the papers. Now everyone just asks why I saved that kleenex.

And that's the end of my sad story. Should you notice that your blog has few visitors, or your friends are all "too busy" to spend their days entertaining you, just remember this sad tale. And blame Rusty. If you see him, please see that he is apprehended by authorities. His kind of evil is unforgivable.

Rooof Rooo-roooo-roooof! Here, Rusty! Here boy! Give us back our online lives. Goooood Rusty. Good boy!


Bill C said...

Why did you save that kleenex?

Sarah Cate said...

Bad Rusty! Bad boy!

J Incarnate said...

Thankyou for making this post. it really speaks to me. I feel that we, and all suffering from commentitus show band together.


glo said...

I have to tell you, snotty manuscript is very comforting. Thanks to all of you in this time of need. All we can do is start the call. Maybe, if enough voices join in unison, we can drive Rusty from the land.

jazz said...

blame the fact that i don't have internet at work! it's sacrilege...i know!

Bill C said...

Jazz! No internet at work?! Even the commie pinko types have internet. Where do yuo work, some kind of Legal Place? Ha-ha. Oops...

Seriously though, the only people I know without Internet at work are employees in the local justice system. Something about keeping the bad guys out I think. Must be strange.

Kristin said...

I'm blaming it on the Dayquil I'm living off of these days...I'm slow and dizzy...oh wait, I'm like that all the time...yikes!

I'm sure the word verification is causing some confusion...I get it wrong most of the time and a few times I haven't realized it until after I've closed the box.

Syar said...

*whacks rusty with a rolled up newspaper*

so THAT's what you were doing messing around with my chloroform! bad rusty, baaad. no more LSD-laced kibble for you.

its entirely a huge corporations fault that I'm without-connection at home and have to traverse 30 minutes of highway to get to college to even consider blogging and commenting. i bet rusty works for those bastards, and i bet he came up with the idea to put out radio ads on how much more IMPROVED they are now. those are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

Anonymous said...

holiday season maybe???