Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bring on da Lemons. I gots the suga.

When I won my first-ever contest over at - that bastion for hipness worldwide - I knew my luck would change for the better.

It has. Oh. How it has.

Today, Neslte Nutritionals took us to lunch. As I filled my tummy with yummy Chinese food, I cracked open my fortune cookie. A LETTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE MAY REACH YOU ANY DAY NOW.

I rushed home to open my mailbox. There it was. A letter of great importance.

You are prequalified to receive 0% interest on balance transfers until July 2006!

Wow. I was stunned speechless. Thank you, Omar. Thank you.


omar said...

This letter you received, this was your prize for winning the 2000th comment contest! I'm so glad you like it, I was worried you wouldn't!

cadiz12 said...

oooh. did it come with a bunch of credit card blank checks?

Bill C said...

The floodgates are open; roll tide!

Wait, that makes no sense. Now my WV string, otoh - ymqymhhz - *that* makes sense.

Sarah Cate said...

I'm still hurting over losing the contest. I was robbed, I tell ya. Robbed!

Kristin said...

Thanks for the chuckle Glo...what a great way to start a weekend.

Congrats on your big price...spend it wisely. (or should it be chose wisely?)

Have an awesome weekend! I'll see ya Monday.

J Incarnate said...

Speaking of contests, you should do another one of your blog-awards, they were fun.

PDgirl said...

How do I get soo lucky?~

Syar said...

I bet omar's grateful someone else gave you a prize so he wouldn't have to. KIDDING, 'mar! like i would ever question your contests. *ahem*

another wonderful day in the life of glo. i'm warm and fuzzy with glo-ey goodness.

I love coming here.