November is National Novel Month per some organization that I joined only to motivate me to finally write that novel I’ve always known I couldn’t write.
It’s done.
I actually wrote novel. A big one. With plot.That’s not necessary per NaNoMo, but I’m a traditional sort of girl, so I stuck with the plot thing.
The novel will never be published. Never. It’s in a format that precludes reading by anyone but the people for whom it was intended. Those people would likely not pay for it. (Hmm. What was that about the popsicle truck and free popsicles?)
Anyway, the story started like most of my brilliant ideas: over conversation when I’m feeling silly. I am a born storyteller. I love to spin tales and most of my friends do not hesitate to ask. One day, while attempting to distract me from obsessing over my rotten summer, a friend asked me to write her a personalized love story.
I did.
The story started as a rather lame spin on typical romantic fantasy. There was mind-numbing make-out followed by an aborted picnic and minor miscommunication. Then things got interesting.
Without warning, my characters came to life. My hero grew flaws while my heroine became multi-dimensional. Their love life blossomed into a thorned red rose threatening to wilt. I violated every tenet of romance by writing a hero capable of adultery, a heroine who suffered without drama, a supporting cast devoid of true villains, and sensuality instead of sexuality.
As the plot twisted, my characters became more forthright with their author. I lay in bed at night trying to see the next chapter. Sometimes, my characters would jump to my bidding. I would see them fall into place, watch their movements, and feel their approval. Other times, things did not go so smoothly.
When I hit the climax of the novel, I could not figure out how to get the necessary communication to resolve the underlying conflicts. I ordered my characters in my head and tried to run the scene. As a complete surprise to me, my heroine threw hands on her hips and turned to face me in my mind’s eye. “This is not working!” she exclaimed. Her hero nodded his agreement.
Eventually, it worked itself out with a little help from the heroine’s real life personage. When I finished, I felt glutted on imagination. My mind felt as though it had eaten a Thanksgiving dinner of thoughts and emotions. I just sat, empty of desire, and stewed in my own creativity.
I’m quite proud of my creation even though it will never be read outside its intended audience. It had themes and symbols. There were moments of real truth for the characters. It was a decent piece of chicklit from a completely unseasoned author.
I was sad to close the book last weekend. I miss my characters already. They have mostly gone away in my head. Every so often one will pop in to show me a glance of past or future, but nothing congruent. They have disappeared into the shadow of font which encapsulates my one, and likely only, great American novel.
you know, glo, since it took all that love and effort for you to get to know all these characters, you *could* always let them make guest appearances over here on the blog, without having to share all the personalized backstory.
just a thought.
Must... resist... urge to beg...
I'm okay. I can do this without pleading and/or embarrassing myself. Here goes:
"I totally respect and accept your decision to not publish and/or share."
Give me a moment though, while I mourn my loss... how am I doing? Feeling any guilt yet? NO?!
Right. Well, it was worth a shot; on to the review. My favorite parts:
"...thorned red rose threatening to wilt." - clearly, imagery is one of your for-tays.
"...suffered without drama" ...people do that? Seriously?
"...sensuality without sexuality." You mean like, *not* gratuitous and/or tasteless? Leaving something for the imagination? Now that's 'old school.' And more difficult. And more effective.
One more. That whole Thanksgiving dinner and creativity stew... yeah.
I don't know what to say except Thanks. Again. Still. And, Well done.
But not like, you know. A turkey.
I don't read novels, so it's just as well. But if it does ever get published as an audio book or in magazine form, let me know, I'll be all over it.
Awwww, you guys make me feel all special and stuff.
'Diz - awesome suggestions. I'm afraid you're today's hero. Expect some flattery.
RaJ - there may be an excerpt in the works. I have to choose something brilliant, of course, so as not to look as lame as I may be. Thank you for your kind words.
Omar - learn to read. There are classes at the local library.
the novel is so good! it's mine and i love it. perfect happy ending. my author is exceptionally talented - and patient, for putting up with her non-dramatic heroine.
I'm with RaJ, here. Where are the excerpts? And I'm skeptical on this whole suffering-without-drama thing, too. Also, where's my novel?
That sounds like fun, G.lo are you sure you don't want to share?
yay! i love flattery! plus i'm looking forward to meeting the characters...
Look! My heroine said something! She's an awesome chica of mine!
You guys are tempting me. But I'm so darned proud of it. If y'all hated it, I'd be crushed!
i can't read this dark green print on the chocolate background....
will try highlighting it all or something...
whats going on with your template glo? its quite hard to read.
anyway, you are so dangling temptation in front of all of us. cadiz's suggestion is great, you should totally do that.
I write tons of love stories none of which are read by anyone other than me. i save the heavy stuff for my second blog and my poems. I'm in the middle of a story with a dark eyed dark haired hero inspired by Warren Peace from sky high.
yeah, my heroines are usually manisfestations of fantasy me. i should write about someone else, then maybe the hero and heroine won't always end up together. :-)
MMOWSA is currently experiencing some template problems. The problems are a result of images hosted by Blogger, so it's Blogger's fault and not Glo's.
MMOWSA support is working to resolve the problem, though we do not yet have an estimated time for when the problem will be resolved.
Thank you for your patience.
What happened to me?! I can't be responsible as I have no idea when this happened....I think I have a hacker! Whoa is me!
Ah. Omar helped me fix. He's so good to me. Until blogger resolves its issues (therapy, man. Think therapy.) The white text at least allows readability.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
WHAT?? You were NaNoWri and I didn't know it? I'm in total shock! I did it too but didn't get quite complete...major rewrites in progress.
Good for you!
That's still one more novel than most of us have written. Hold your head high.
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