Friday, November 04, 2005

Too Fun to pass up

Because the "sexception" was so much fun, I thought I'd bring you more slightly off-color amusement. Thanks to grendel for finding me these gems!

Okay, look at mine. Then fill it out for *you* - it will link you to your answers and default back to my stuff. So freakin' funny.

I could deny it, but why....

What Makes You Sexy?
by eva71
Sexy Body Part IsYour Eyes
Special Talents AreGiving The Rub Down
Quiz created with MemeGen!!!!

Which sexy actor will you marry?
by Aurian_Fry
Fave place to be kissed
You will marryJohnny Depp (Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Carribbean)
The marriage will last how many years11
Why will he leave youHe leaves you for your best friend - you always had wondered about them.
Quiz created with MemeGen!


Bill C said...

Call me overcautious but I'm taking a wait-and-see on this one, at least for now. I sense unplumbed depths of potential personal embarrassment in this exercise, which is a Good Thing when it's someone else's personal.

Think about it. If *I* do this and it says I will marry Johnny Depp, I'm going to get all excited, get my hopes up etc. Then someone will say "Um, no" and I'll be devastated.

Sarah Cate said...

Huh. Well. What can I say. I steal Johnny Depp from you after I leave Val Kilmer because he won't grow up. It's an interesting life I lead, eh?

Johnny Menace said...

sexy body part - everything
special talent - nothing

can i complain about that?.... should i?

omar said...

Sexy body part: my ass
Special talents: everything (multi-talented)

It should be noted that this is case sensitive, if I type in "Omar" I get different results from when I type in "omar"

So I chose the most favorable answers.

omar said...

Oh, and I'm going to marry Alan Rickman, it'll last 4 years, and then he'll leave me for my best friend. That bastard.

glo said...

Even better than I get to make fun of my blog buddies!

RaJ - to get the big rewards, you gotta take the big risks. And I think Johnny is into you. I should know. We were married 11 years.

Cate - not sure I'm even speaking to you right now, except to say I told you so about Val. Big kid, that one.

JM - all that promise and no follow-thru? I feel let down somehow.

Omar - at least we know what Alan saw in you. Purrlicious, my friend.

Jenni said...

I thought these things should at least be funny.

Mine says I'll marry Ewan McGregor for one year and it'll end because one of us dies.

Well, I'll just marry him a year before I die.

I'm not taking chances.

glo said...

Jen - I'm in shock. Yes, please wait to marry Ewan. I can't lose him, either! He's the celebrity I most want to invite to my birthday party!

Jaimie - congrats. That's a nice bonus.

glo said...

Dem...don't tempt me so! Sexy knees that you show off! My visions...a miniskirt...a boa....purrrr.

Dang. That game was too, too fun.

Eric said...

I'm going to marry Sean Bean.

Sorry, cate.