Dad suggested a movie. My daddy knows me. While I regularly go to restaurants, museums, clubs, and parties, I rarely go to the movies. I love movies in all their varieties. I like wearing my jeans, eating greasy popcorn, and slouching in a beat-up chair while actors work magic on the screen.

He reassured me that he would like it. The show was playing at the local art house that turned “art” house after dark. We hurried down to catch the 4:00. I knew we were in trouble, though, when we walked past the poster for ‘Brokeback Mountain’ – a movie about 2 cowboys who have a homosexual tryst on a fishing trip – and Dad mumbled, “I don’t think I’m ready for this.” To be honest, I wasn’t certain I was, either, when I passed the posters for a movie about transsexualism in America and the XXXpose scheduled for that night. But I knew that we were headed to a much more comfortable entertainment level once we crossed the lobby.
As we sat down, Dad looked right and left, suddenly aware that he was surrounded by femininity. He handed me the popcorn and asked, “So, what’s this movie about?”
My stomach plopped. I had assumed some basic Jane Austen knowledge, but there was none. I gave him the Cliffs Notes summary. Dad is amazing. He nodded and said it sounded “interesting.” I cannot imagine it sounded that way at all since he had left the Bulls v. Jazz to accompany his daughter.
Through an amazing, selfless 2 hours, my dad not only watched a movie that only interested me, he found enjoyment in it. He laughed. He sniffled when Mr. Bennett gave Lizzie to her husband. After the movie, he hugged me and said, “I liked that movie. It was a good choice.” He then discussed the various plot points and filming with me.

That’s a man, I thought. I rewarded him by renting Transporter 2. If dad could be in touch with his feminine side, then I could indulge his testosterone.
*The quick movie critique: Definitely not for purists like myself. The casting of the leads was as abysmal as feared. Keira Knightley looked ridiculous in the clothes and manners of old England. The writers apparently grew bored halfway through the novel and decided to depend on Internet fanfic for the remainder of the details. That said, the movie was BEAUTIFUL!! Historically accurate to a fault and quite moving. So, my final verdict is that it may be a great version to use with the men, who are unlikely to notice the mistakes.
Unless it was Bulls v. Jazz from 1998, that game probably wasn't that good anyway. But missing college football for a chick flick? That's love.
Hmmm. I'm a purist, but I'm discovering that I like the internet fanfic. So maybe I'll see this.
Your dad is amazing! Wow! That is indeed love.
Your dad is AWESOME!
I love Dads...they're the best. I was wondering about this movie...isn't Dame Judy Dench in it? How was she? (she a fav of mine so I'd pay to see her even if the rest isn't very good)
Omar - I thought the Jazz vs. Bulls NBA Finals game 1997 was the best...especially for being in labor during :) Darn Karl for missing! Grr.
Glo - your family sounds great! But then I guess I shouldn't be surprised, eh?
I'm not sure how I feel about Keira Knightley. I liked her in pirates of the caribbean (did you know they painted cleavage on her for that movie?), but after seeing her try to be more that that (ie dominoe) she has become very unattractive to me.
Keira Knightley bugs the crap out of me...her mouth and the way she talks...I just want to smack her...she ruined Pirates for me.
Not that I'm bitter or anything :)
your dad is awesome indeed. i only ever get to watch disney movies with my dad now, seeing as we go to the movies as a family only when the two little tykes known as my little sisters demand it.
I was wondering whether I should be blowing 7 bucks on that movie, especially since I haven't even seen the original. but I shall. I'll get around to watching both.
i gotta agree w/ everybody... your dad is awesome! i never think my dad will ever go to any chick flick movies :D
Wow. I was too silly to respond it seems! Sorry guys!
My dad is amazing. Really. There are no further words to say it.
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