Monday, September 19, 2005

So, maybe I'm not far off....

Know how I'm always saying I want to be Lorelai Gilmore when I grow up? Well, I'm watching this week's episode (again) and Lorelai says the following two things.

This is Lorelai "can I have a forklift for my emotional baggage" Gilmore.


I had a shoe crisis that undid the whole ensemble.


Check off 2 items on my list of Lorelai quest is nearing completion.


Bill C said...

Shoe crisis, I can understand. Totally. Of course that's not necessarily a good thing.

Sarah Cate said...

Shoe crises (is that the right plural of crisis?) are the worst!

glo said...

Jam, do you have shoe crises? I thought with the plethora of Converse...well, you have something for everything, right?

Cate, I agree. We all know how shoes can push me over the edge. The other great part is that she makes Luke wait 1 1/2 hours because she can't choose shoes...I tell ya, I'm her in the making!

omar said...

Some dude waited an hour and a half for someone who couldn't pick shoes? That ain't right.

Bill C said...

That's what I'm talking about. "Something for everything" is deceptive. There's such a thing as too many choices. Red-left white-right? Or the reverse? How about gray-white? Which shade of green: neon, or fluorescent?

I'll let you in on a secret. If my shoes match it means I couldn't decide. Either that or I'm going to church.

The Bluths said...

They talk funny on that show, along with Dawson's creek.

glo said...

Jam - not good. Very not good. I see the problem. I had a mini panic attack imagining making all those accesorizing decisions every day. Not good.

Omar - *sigh* You just don't get the beauty of the moment nor the importance of the perfect outfit.

Bluths - The do talk funny, but as a fellow funny, too-fast talker, I just love it!

Anonymous said...

"I always knew I wanted be somebody, but now I think I should've been more specific." Be choosy who you model yourself after, no?

"Now you too can be like the greatest superhero of all time - ME!"

-Captain Sarcastic, in the computer animation short 'Grinning Evil Death'

Jenni said...

The thing that gets me most amazed when watching the Gilmore Girls is exactly how fast they talk when they're really talking fast.

Someone people talk at a million miles per hour.

See, that speaking time makes up for the 1 1/2 hours of shoe waiting time plus some.

So it's all balanced in the end.

glo said...

Heya Grendel....and congrats on continuing your string of obscure media references ;)

Jen...that was fabulous! Poor Luke probably appreciated the time to catch up to the morning's convo!

glo said...

Probably, but I still love them. The last few years have been a bit contrived because Hollywood doesn't understand that mothers and daughters don't *have* to hate each other....oh, well. I still want to be Lorelai.

Johnny Menace said...

wait until the DVD comes out with the cut episode where Lorelai and Rorye have a passionate yet awkard make up session.