It's not easy to know what to say when tragedy strikes strangers, but I still want you all to know that one silly American woman has you in thought and prayer today.
I hate violence. I hope we all work to change our own cultures so that violence no longer seems an answer. In the meantime, my heart goes out to the injured and dead, their families, friends, loved ones and to a nation in mourning. Terrorism sucks.
Thank you. I have never been able to understand why violence has ever seemed like a way of solving anything - from a barroom brawl to invading Iraq. Or anywhere else. I'm not trying to be political, I just don't understand. Can we please put the women in charge now? I mean really in charge, not just in a few powerful positions, so they feel they have to prove they're as tough and nasty as men?
Well, as a raving feminazi, I have to agree with you, Scroob. I work in a mostly female career - yeah, we have our challenges - but we are also decidedly group oriented. I'm not sure the world wouldn't be better off with women in charge - we just seem less likely to resort to fisticuffs when the goings gets tough.
of course, there would be more crying, more hugging, and a lot more conversation, so maybe it's not such a great thing.
Guys are good, too. Not saying they aren't. I really like men (shocker, eh?), but sometimes...
well, there is that catty side that, for some godforsaken reason, comes out whenever there's a threat to some woman's man. we'd have to watch out for that. and the grudges, let's not forget the length of a woman's memory.
And the constant wondering about who likes who and why, who's mad at whom and why. Okay, the gossip could make most newscaster wilt...
i was going for succinct, but cate beat me to it. you just summed up how i felt about the tragic events in london.
Thanks, syar. I felt I needed to say something.
yeah, the wondering. that's the killer.
You said it well, Glo...thank you for putting it into words. I'm not able to get past the tears.
I kept getting angry because they'd talk about it on the news and then start into "what about here?" Can't we focus on someone else for a few minutes? Why does it always have to turn back to us?
I was very impressed with the people of London...what a great example...thanks you guys.
Great post, G.Lo! You articulated what I have been thinking about the whole situation. Sam, I agree that people in the US keep trying to co-opt the tragedy and use it as an excuse to worry about ourselves again and justify our actions.
I think the people of London (all of Great Britain, for that matter) were very impressive with how they handled the whole situation...a great example. The reports of people searching for their missing family and friends was especially touching to me...I guess there is no way to follow up on that. I hope there were a lot more happy endings...instead of sad.
On a happier note...I sooo want to go to London for the Olympics. How weird am I...they were held in Salt Lake and I didn't care...but have my favorite city in the world host 'em and I'm ready and willin to go...whoo hoo!
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