Monday, May 09, 2005

Too Hilarious Not To Share!

So, Cate convinced me to download the StatCounter. I did. I'm dutiful like that. Once convinced, there's no stopping me. Anyway, I decided that rather than be social with my coworkers, I would waste my lunch hour spying on my readers.

So, my dutiful commenters, I would like to let you know that you check this blog a lot. Really. You should probably find more to do with your time. However, since I check this blog the most of anyone, it would be hypocritical of me to say more.

The best part of my StatCounter was the discovery of which keywords have been used to locate my blog. Three of my readers found me through Google. Two googled "Cheeseburger pizza." I tell you, that post was the pinnacle of my blogging career.

The last one of you found me by googling "frodderism." I was laughing so hard at this tidbit of information that I had to try it for myself, so I googled frodderism. Turns out, I am the ONLY response you will get by googling "frodderism." Yep. That's me. The expert on frodderism. If you get unexpected sexual pleasure from rubbing against strangers, then I am the blogger for you.

Okay, my brother just e-mailed to tell me that I can't spell. It's okay. I speak Spanglish, not english or Spanish, so I shouldn't be expected to spell. The proper spelling is "Frotteurism" and you can learn about it here. I've decided not to change the original post, because I feel so special that I can be found by sexual deviants with a spelling disorder.

Thank you Google! I am now a home for frodderists everywhere. I always knew I would find my audience.


Sarah Cate said...

Yes, I check your blog a lot. Wanna make something of it?

Sadly, am feeling very loserish now - StatCounter shows I have no keyword activity. None.

glo said...

Go google yourself for a while. I have falsely inflated my keyword activity. Unfortunately, the only direct link remains a case of psychological deviance.

And thanks for checking a log. Especially when I need someone to laugh along with me.

omar said...

Don't worry cate, I am right there with you. No keyword activity at all.

This statcounter thing is fun. And very "big brother-ish." I like being big brother. I believe the premium package allows you to see what your visitors last ate prior to visiting your site. Interesting stuff.

Anonymous said...

after reading ur posting... i try this statcounter thing... WOW!!! interesting!!! 1 of the keyword used for my site was 'my boob popped out'... hahahaha

glo said...

I see 'ka has formed an important support group as well. If we join forces, then I will have the happiest following on the planet and 'ka's readers will feel they have served an important purpose.

I feel both exhilarated and guilty by the big brother aspect. Just another of my quirks, I suppose.