Wednesday, March 30, 2005

This Blog is Officially On Hiatus

I need a break for several reasons:

1. After falling in love with Desperate Housewives all over again, I've realized that a little break can be a good thing for any relationship.

2. This blog is getting too 'Bridget Jones' for me. I didn't like the book and only watched the movie for Colin (yummy). So, I need to refocus my blogging energies before the emergent Single White Female personality takes over.

3. I've got guy on the brain. Until I end my fascination with him (and, hopefully, restore the friendship), I can think of nothing else.

4. Blogging has taught me that there is a need for creative writing education in my life. I will re-read the college text I kept and sign up for a community course. These blogs are starting to sound the same, use the same colloquialisms and staid expressions, and even the analogies feel overused. After a little reading, self-education, and thought, I am certain I will feel more original.

While I am gone, please feel free to read through past blogs and opine on your favorites here! I would love input on developing my blog personality.

Okay -- see you in a week or so. I'll still read the usual blogs and pick up some new ones (BTW - best way to get me to see your blog is to post a comment here!), so I won't be absent from the blog-o-sphere!


glo said...

Wow. Commenting on my own blog. I have reached an entirely new level of vanity.

Just an update - day went well. Hiatus may not have to last very long, so the DROVES of you all disappointed by my disappearance (you know you check this blog several times a day), will soon be rewarded for your patience!

Kristin said...

Ok but I'll miss you!
I'm feeling the same way...I want to work on actually starting the novel I've talked about for years.
I'm at the point where I check in when I feel like feels good to not have to answer to my own blog.
I'll miss ya but I'll keep checkin in!

glo said...

Thanks for the wishes. I wondered how desperately I'd have to plea to get someone to miss me! JK.

I'll be back soon.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Gosh, and we only just met.

I do agree about Desperate Housewives though. Take a break, but do come back, I'd like to get to know you better.

Dismas said...

Hey, hurry back; I'm still laughing about Algernon. (Unless of course he's the "guy on the brain." Then I'm not laughing, but meditating on him as suave Semitic sage...)

glo said...

Dear, dear Algernon! Alas, I like my men less enlightened and more prone to cavemen-like competition. However, Jewish yogi remains a fascination of mine. Feel free to laugh main point of attending meditation class is to find new depths of hilarity in my life.

I will be back in function tomorrow - refreshed from a little break, General Conference (Pres. Hinckley is amazing), and finally over the guy!

glo said...

Raine, where is your blog? I live to return the compliment of a comment...

Sarah Cate said...

Love the new 'about' tag - it's perfect!

glo said...

Thanks - thought it summed it up a little better. Always nice to get approval. Will restart if I ever come up for breath during busy work week!